Or, play from the latest version of the Google Maps for mobile app (versions 4.4 for iOS and 9.6 for Android). To play PAC-MAN, you need to use the latest version of the following browsers on your computer: Google Maps support page has clues, game rules and list of best places to play Pac Man. Unlike desktop user who uses arrow keys to navigate, just swipe your finger to change Pac-Man’s direction You can also play Pac Man on your mobile device all you need to have Google Map app installed on it. If you can’t see the Pac Man, try making your browser window bigger so that there is enough room to play. It is a classic and it is still popular to play among friends. Your map will change to a game board, and you can start playing. Pacman 30th Anniversary is a video game that was released in 1980 and has never gone away. Wana play Pac Man :) Simply open Google Map, navigate to a place on the map where you want to start your game. Click icon on lower left corner of the screen to begin playing on desktop browser. Recently Google Maps has launched “Pac Man” in Google Maps. Team at Google Maps has coded a web application that lets users turn any city into classic arcade of game with hungry yellow blob and multicolored ghosts with background music.